Implementing a capsule wardrobe began as an experiment. It was fun to try something new and it helped simplify my closet. I committed to it, paired down my wardrobe to 50 items and to my surprise it was very easy to stick with it. There were many benefits that I hoped and anticipated receiving from the experiment and others that were quite unexpected! I am so excited to share with you the benefits that were discovered.
Shift in perspective. You may begin to look at your stuff differently. The space we live should be a sacred space in which we honor the items we bring into it. It was a catalyst for me that started with wardrobe and extended far beyond into all areas of life. It was like exercise. The more simplifying I did, the easier it became to go deeper. A new perspective can enable you to decipher what is really needed and what is clutter.
Saves money. I only buy new items if I need them or thoughtfully decide to make a deliberate purchase. I save money from breaking a shopping cycle that was rooted in overabundance and included impulse and unnecessary buying. Yet, I do not feel deprived. I make sure my wardrobe is useful, beautiful to me, comfortable on me and that I really love. If I am in need of something, I get it with no guilt trip. And since I switch my capsule out each season, I really don’t get tired of my clothes. When I do need something new I will buy a high quality item that lasts.
Saves time. It cuts out decision fatigue completely. It saves time picking out what to wear. A capsule wardrobe makes getting dressed or packing a simple process. I can find any item I need in a snap. I know right where it is. There is less to clean and maintain. In the beginning it does require frequent reevaluation of your “stuff” which helps to calibrate your thought process on how to keep it simple. Eventually you develop your own personal clarity for what is important in each different area (budgeting, clothing, emails, food, papers/mail, schedule and sentimental items).
Re-connection to self. When there is less clutter in your physical space the mental space starts to clear out naturally. There is room to focus on what is most important. From self-care to more family time to just listening to inner wisdom. It is all available when distractions are removed. You will find more joy. Being less busy is an important part in the simplifying process. You must give yourself permission to say no to obligations. It allows you to be more intentional with your time and you will be fully present to enjoying every moment.
Inspiration. Less clutter in your life can make way for inspiration. You may experience a sudden spark of creativity or intuition that was formerly stifled or that was buried underneath busyness and nonsense. When the nonsense is gone, the creative and intuitive parts of us come alive. This is when you will find or a new hobby or rediscover one that has been ignored for too long. It may be the return of confidence from taking control of your life instead of letting the beast of life continue to control you.
I hope you gain some inspiration from learning of the benefits that I have enjoyed. A tiny experiment of trying a capsule wardrobe changed my life and there is no reversing it now. This has become a lifestyle that brought so much joy to my life and I enjoy sharing my experience in the hope someone may be inspired to try it too!
Enjoy the journey and always be true to yourself!
Jen to the Zen